An exhilarating autumnal greeting to you all!

I do enjoy the changing of seasons.  I have embraced the changes that inevitably occur in my body and my daily rhythms as nature undergoes seasonal transformations.  I don’t always enjoy all aspects of the changing or their outcomes, (I don’t like being cold) but I think I have finally come to terms with their scheduled rituals, and I have developed some of my own that help me cope.  Here is a list of things that help me live in harmony with cooler, darker days.  

  1. candles
  2. hot coconut/almond milk with spices at night   (cardamom/cinnamon/ginger/licorice root/ghee/black pepper)
  3. many good books (something informational on a topic I want to learn more about for daytime chances to read, and a take-me-away novel at night)
  4. waking up early for my morning routine in a quiet, dark house (meditation, gentle yoga, intention setting, candles!)
  5. elderberry syrup (a teaspoon a day or a tablespoon every two hours if sick) (let me know if you want my recipe)
  6. daily low impact exercise (corework and breathwork for sure)
  7. lots of hot water or tea throughout the day
  8. plenty of hikes in the woods (to observe the changes regularly)
  9. warm socks and sweaters
  10. homemade soups, stews, breads and bakery
  11. hot and salty bubble baths- followed by a quick cold rinse

What are some of your favorite rituals for fall? 

At the end of August, we moved out of the Fremont Street location and I did not have a space to move into. Then I reached out and was welcomed by the Woelfel Homestead to have yoga in their barn.  That was beautiful.  One week later I had secured a space with New Attitudes Dance Studio in New Holstein, and it all couldn’t have transitioned better. I am so excited about the move to New Attitudes.  It is just a perfect place for us to practice yoga, and I am so thankful. 

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