December Joy and Spotlight on a Yogi

“Love and Joy unto You”

“Joy to the World”

Joy is a fun word to say.  Joy. Joy. Joy. Joy is a wonderful emotion to feel. Finding joy in all things is a challenge.  I recently read a meme that said, “If you don’t enjoy snow, you will still have the same amount of snow, but less joy.” You can change the word snow to just about anything can’t you?

When you really sit down and think about it, what brings you joy?  Can you visualize joyful times in your life? Maybe big important days and events come to mind, but what about on a daily and moment-by-moment basis?  What little joys fill your life?  

🌞 waking up refreshed in the morning

☕a hot cup of coffee or tea

🤳a phone call from a friend

🐧a pretty bird in your feeder

🍲a delicious meal

🫂a warm hug

☀️sun shining through your window

☃️a cute snowman kids made in jubilee

🕊️ a peaceful location

🚗 a car ride that takes you where you need/want to go

🐱 snuggles from a pet

🚿 fresh, clean water to drink

As we move into this holiday season that for some is guaranteed big JOY as they gather with friends and family, and for some requires summoning up their own joy as they meet with friends and family, and for even others brings sadness more than joy as they are missing or disconnected from family and friends- let us all try to remember the small daily joys that are often taken for granted.  

What if we made it our personal mission to share some of those small joys with others, every day, by making a phone call, giving a warm hug, saying some kind words, sharing a smile or offering a peaceful space for them to just BE? Think of the joy we can spread!

Spotlight on a Yogi!

Starting this week I will be handing out a yogi questionnaire to everyone who attends class.  Please complete the questionnaire and return it to me.  I will pick a yogi a week to highlight.  I will ask you if I can take your picture doing one of your favorite poses which could be a simple meditation seat. I will do a write up based on your answers on the questionnaire and I will highlight a yogi via email, on my facebook page and on my website.  

My goals for this activity are:

  •  to give you an opportunity to reflect and set new goals
  • to show how yoga impacts everybody differently
  • to tell why people start yoga
  • to explain how yoga helps us (physically/mentally/spiritually
  • to share your yoga story
  • to try to connect the readers to a yogi’s story
  • to encourage the readers to try the practice

I realize that sharing is vulnerable, so you should write only what you want to share publicly, but also be open and honest rather than vague.  Thank you for considering participating in this.  

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